Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Seven things women can do to guarantee they’ll remain single

OK, maybe some people just don't have the "partnering up" gene, and they are happy and that's just fine. There is even an acknowledged personality type, quirklyalone, who prefers single-dom, and that's super. But for women who complain about there not being enough good men out there, this is for them.

1. Hanging out exclusively with married women and confirmed-single sisters in book clubs, etc.

2. Getting married to jobs that require way too much time and travel – the jobs their married-with-children coworkers don't take!

3. Wearing heels when they’re already tall – do they really mean to intimidate men of average height?

4. Spending a lot of time traveling to exotic destinations where the only single men are doormen and street musicians, and coming home “a changed woman” who can no longer relate to boring normal guys.

5. Pouring boatloads of money and time into their houses and creating beautiful spaces which will mostly remain empty.

6. Immersing themselves in solitary, time-consuming hobbies, like marathoning.

7. Getting a fucking dog and treating it like a child.


Anonymous said...

Heels. When you spell words wrong, you lose credibility.

Anonymous said...

I don't do any of those things and yet still I am single. Of course I have been divorced twice so maybe I don't count. Great stuff and spot on!

PuppetMaster said...

Sorry, anon. Thanks. I just haven't spent enough time in shoe stores.