Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's Time to Look at "The Rules" (Dating Humor)

Those generous folks who bring us Wikipedia have done us a favor by summarizing The Rules, made popular in a 1995 book that has been screwing up single women who are dating and trying to find the right man for a realtionship even more ever since.

Let's take a look-see, shall we?

02: Don't Talk to a Man First (and Don't Ask Him to Dance)
I prefer to mime. And yes, dancing at Caribou Coffee WOULD be kind of silly.
03: Don't Stare at Men or Talk Too Much
But staring at his package while licking the whipped cream off your Mocha is a sure-fire way to get his attention. And instead of talking, just say, "mmmmmm!"
04: Don't Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date
No, have the stranger come to your home; that's always safe. And I find the expression "going Dutch" offensive to my ethnicity. You might as well say "Go Jew and Haggle with him" or "Be an Indian Giver and let him pay, but don't put out."
05: Don't Call Him & Rarely Return His Calls
Good advice, because we know guys never have anyone else to call when you are playing hard-to-get.
06: Always End Phone Calls and dates First
To make sure, just shake his hand, then leave. And when he calls later, just hang up on him. Guys love that.
07: Don't Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday
But a Friday night date is okay.
08: Fill Up Your Time before the Date
Go to the gym and go directly to the date, unwashed and exhausted.
09: How to Act on Dates 1,2, & 3 End the date first especially if you like him.
I'll bet your are going to say to act like I hate him.
10: How to Act on Dates 4 through Commitment Time
Same as the last rule.
11: Always end the date first
Um, didn't we just cover that?
12: Stop Dating Him if He Doesn't Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine's Day
Good thing I find unromantic gifts so romantic. I might puke if I get flowers, particularly red flowers with Baby's Breath.
15: Don't Rush into Sex & Other Rules for Intimacy
Let him show you where the bedroom is first. A bedroom romp is a sign of respect.
16: Don't Tell Him What to Do
But he likes when you show him.
17: Let Him Take the Lead
Yes, when bullets are flying, push him in front of you. Or was that "lead" like "leed?"
18: Don't Expect a Man to Change or Try to Change Him
Yes, he'll never change. He'll always be as perfect as he was on your first date. His place is always that neat and clean, too.
20: Be Honest but Mysterious
In other words, be your typical passive-aggressive Minnesotan.
21: Accentuate the Positive & Other Rules for Personal Ads
Let them know that you are responsible about taking your medication and got your sentence reduced for excellent behavior.
23: Don't Date a Married Man
Unless you are my husband's girlfriend. You can have him.
24: Slowly Involve Him in Your Family & Other Rules for Women with Children
But should I lie about having my kids full-time? They all seem to run when I mention that.
26: Even if You're Engaged or Married, You Still Need The Rules
Because your husband won't be expecting you to return his phone calls very often.
27: Do The Rules, Even when Your Friends & Parents Think It's Nuts
In other words, never listen to me.
30: NEXT! & Other Rules for Dealing with Rejection
In fact, end all of your relationships first, so you'll never be rejected. One date is enough.
31: Don't Discuss The Rules with Your Therapist.
Otherwise the stupidity of the rules would be exposed and no one would buy the book anymore.


Mike said...

This is hilarious, Nice work. I have always taken "playing hard to get" to mean "Not interested".
Weeks later the woman is left wondering, "Why hasn't he called, I ignored him like I was supposed to".


The Relationship Company said...

I just happen to be passing by when I read your post. Nice post and keep up the good work!

filipino friend said...

Hahahah I gotta bookmark this man! Can't stop from laughing.

My friend went to a date with a girl who doesn’t want to have a serious relationship so they got drunk and everything without this topic ever coming up, they made out then he started fingering her and she blurted out something after a couple minutes like "ooooh how are you not taken?" and he was like "well he’s heading to university in like a month, not interested in a relationship!" while he still finger pumping her.